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Veteran Owned
Owner retiring! This business is for Sale!
Lot's of equipment for sale! Motorcycle/ ATV Dyno, Powder Coat Oven and Spray booth, Welders, Miller Tig, Small Welding table, Curtis Air Compressor, Heavy Duty 20T Press, Blast Cabinets, Vapor Honing Machine, Motorcycle Lifts, Tire Changer, Spin Balancer, Metal Lathe, Heated Wash Tank, Porting Tools, Lots of Work Benches and parts carts,
Cycle Cyl Boremaster Boring Machine, Harley Tools, Lots of special tools and Fixtures. Call or come by to see and check prices. We will be closing the store at the end of March or April if it's not sold. Thanks to all of our customers for their support.
1970 Honda CL175
4820 miles
Excellent Condition
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